We met up with my sister, her husband and Jesse (Ryder's cousin). Ryder's friends Vaughn and Christine were there too! We went in the morning to beat the heat and it was a beautiful day. Ryder's favorite part, well of course the train. I couldn't keep him away from that train. He also LOVED the bounce house. It was so funny, he was jumping, running and falling (mostly falling), and even wrestling with another little boy about twice his size. By the time I got him out of there his hair was totally soaked he was sweating so much. Now I just need to convince Daddy to get Ryder a bounce house for his birthday party! !

Ryder and Jesse. The best pic I could get of 2 toddler boys!

Ryder laughing at those silly chickens :)

Riding the train all by himself. Such a BIG BOY!

Gave this little piggie a HI 5! !

Playing in the corn box with Christine. Notice the signs say "no throwing" and "keep corn in box" Well my little guy only wanted to throw the corn out of the box. Bad Boy!

Playing with cousin Jesse in the corn box

Ryder trying to be sneaky, setting the corn on the edge only so he could knock it to the ground.

Taking a wagon ride with his buddy Vaughn. Vaughn just turned 1!

Gave this little piggie a HUG! !
Pumpkin Patches are so mcuh fun! So glad that we have several pumpkin patches in AZ, especially since we don't really get to experience any Fall weather!:) Ryder looked so cute with his cousin and what a fun way to spend the holiday weekend!