Sunday, November 14, 2010

15 Days, 15 Days, 15 Days! ! !

ONLY 15 DAYS...Until my guy is 2 years old! ! !

We have our Sunday routine down...It's gym for mommy and childcenter for Ryder. It took Ryder approximately 3 months to get used to going into the gym childcenter and thank god that he loves it now! He used to scream, cry, and cling onto Jason and I when we dropped him off. The first month we were lucky if he lasted 30 minutes before we heard them paging us to come and get him. These days if he's having tons of fun, he cries when we come to get him.

Oh, about our Sunday routine....We go to the gym....After the gym we stop at Mcdonald's for a happy meal. Ryder now recognizes the golden arches and asks for fries when he spots them! Is that bad?! We take lunch to the park and eat outside and when Ryder is all done, we play! ! ! !

Chicken Nuggets! ! !

Fries! ! !

Chocolate Milk! ! !

Ready, Set, Go, Slide! ! !

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