Sunday, November 7, 2010

Countdown is on....22 Days! ! ! !

OMG! OMG!! OMG!!! I can't believe that in only 22 days my little guy will be 2 years old! I guess that old saying is true: Time FLIES when your having FUN! ! ! !

Today was a fun kinda day. We went to the gym in the morning and Ryder played in the childcenter while Daddy and I worked out. After the gym we met up with our friends Mark, Michelle & Christine at the park for a little play time and some nuggets and fries for the kids. We came home and Ryder zonked out and took a nice long nap. After nap time was over we met up with Mark, Michelle & Christine at the park again to feed the duckies. I love family weekends spent with my guys! ! !

One more thing that was great about this weekend: the weather. It was a little cooler this morning so Ryder got to wear one of his long sleeved shirts from his fall/winter wardrobe. He's got tons of cute/cool stuff that I can't wait for him to wear.

Feeding the duckies with his friend Christine :)

This was Ryder last year, 22 days til his big 1 birthday! ! He was still a crawler! !

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking"He looks like a little baby" in that "baby" picture
