Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mommy In Crisis ! !

OK, so I would say that my first day back did not go as smoothly as it could have. I woke up at about 6:15am and started getting ready for work. I had a little cry while I ate breakfast and told myself "this is it, I will not cry anymore" I was just fine until I kissed Ryder goodbye and the tears started again. My mom also called me while I was driving to work to see how I was doing and of course that started the tears again. Once I got to work everyone was asking "How are you" "Are you sad" Do you miss him" and once again, I cried. I called Jason a couple of times in the morning to see how Ryder did with his bottles and he kept saying that he was not hungry, or was taking a nap. I thought this was strange since he still eats every 2 hours. About 6 hours later, and a VERY stressed out Mommy, I demanded that he bring Ryder to me at work so I could feed him and of course I was crying yet again. I got home from work and Jason was still working with him on the bottles. We tried several different kinds and he won't take any of them. It seems that he will take a couple swallows and realizes that it's not mommy and he gets very upset. I don't know what to do! ! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I missed my little guy soooo much, I think the day would have been OK after I got thru all the emotions, but I had to deal with the bottle thing. I was happy to see him midday for the feeding, that was nice although I know that won't be a normal thing! !

On a good note, pumping at work went well. I was worried that it would be too busy or that it would take too long. I pumped 3 times and it only took me a few minutes each time! Thank goodness I talked Jason into investing in a good pump!

I took pictures to post, but Jason forgot my camera at his grandmas house.........


  1. Hey! We had the SAME problem with Camdyn. She hated the bottle and pretty much didnt ever really take it. The only thing that saved me was seeing her at lunch and feeding her each day. All I can say is just keep trying.....Camdyn to this day refuses bottles. The battles of breastfeeding:) Just know that if he gets hungry enough, he will give in and eat (Camdyn eventually would do this). The only thing I would have changed about what we did with Camdyn, would have been introducing a bottle sooner. Since I had 10 weeks off, I never really gave her a bottle since I always nursed her. Just know that you are doing the best thing by breastfeeding!:) If you need any words of advice (I am still nursing full time!)on nursing, going back to work, pumping, etc..... I am here for you!:)

  2. Have you tried Playtex Drop-Ins? They seem to be most like the breast......

  3. HI!!!
    Since I was the one babysitting little princess, well Daddy too!!! I thought what worked best was, hold her up close and tight, in a position like breast feeding.She would take about 2-3 ounces and that was about it. I kept trying and trying. To this day, she hates a bottle. It helps when they get to have cereal. I'm not a fan of starting food early, so we had to struggle with it til she was 5-6 months old!!! She is happy and healthy and that is all that matters in the end.He will eventually figure out what works and he will realize that you are coming home to feed him!!!
    hang in there

  4. An hour and a half and me and PAPPY will be hopping on the Goldwing to go take care of Ryder for the afternoon until Mommy gets home.I'm in for a challenge today,but I hope I am right in saying "Everything will be fine".
