Tuesday, June 19, 2012

9 Months

Wow!  I can't believe that little Kaenaan is 9 months old already.  The time really is flying by.

Here's what Kaenaan is up to at 9 months:

 Ryder is his best buddy and can make him laugh more than anyone.  It's so cute watching them play together.  Kaenaan gets so excited when he sees his big brother. 
Ryder couldn't be a sweeter big brother, he sure does love little baby K.

 Kaenaan is loving summer time fun.  He is a water baby, for sure.  He loves playing in the splash pads and going swimming.

 He has 3 teeth now.  2 on the bottom and 1 on the top.  His little smile is so cute.  That 1 little tooth on top, it makes us all laugh.  He's had the 1 for a couple weeks now, so we're calling him our little snaggletooth.  The other is just about to break thru and will be here any day now.

 Kaenaan is crawling.  He has mastered the art of rolling.  He sure was getting around fast just by rolling everywhere.  In the last couple weeks he started crawling.  He was pretty slow and wobbly at first, but now he is a pro and is very fast.  I wanted him to crawl so badly, now I just wish he would slow down!

This is what I woke up to this morning.  Yep, he pulled himself up to standing! !  Don't worry, Daddy dropped that crib down right away.

He's going to be just like big brother and talk alot.  He does tons of baby talk jibber jabber.  For now his only real word is Dada.  I'm working hard trying to get him to say mama. 

At his 9 month appointment he weighed in at 18.5 lbs and 28 inches.  He's our little petite peanut!  Just to compare, at 9 months Ryder was 22 lbs 6.5 ounces and 30 inches.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sports Class

We signed Ryder up for a Sport Sampler class at our gym.  He did his first class on Monday and he LOVED it. 

He signed in, got his name tag and jumped right into action.

We were so proud of him, he did so well listening to the teacher.  There were a couple times when he ran a little wild, but it's a class of 3 year olds, so they were all a little crazy.

Class started with a little warm up and running.  They did an obstacle course that included soccer, basketball and a balance beam.  Then it was break time.  The teacher lined up all the kids and they got drinks from the water fountain.  After that they played a couple games of freeze tag, did some scooter races then did some cool down and stretching.

We are all looking forward to the next class.

 Warm up time.

He loved playing on these little scooters.


Look who has 2 teeth!  After lots of boogies, slobbery bibs and teething tablets, Kaenaan finally has 2 teeth. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

7 Months

Our little guy is 7 months!  Time flies when you're having fun.  So what's new with this little man.  At 7 months he is finally a full time butt sitter.  He started sitting up on his butt right after he turned 6 months.  He's movin on up and out of his baby bathtub and is taking big boy baths.  He's even taken a couple baths with Ryder, which is so easy for mommy, I get a two for one!

 We celebrated Kaenaan's 1st Easter and he was spoiled with lots of great baby gifts.  He loved it!

 My silly boys

 We started him on puffies and it's his favorite treat.  At this point most of them are ending up in his lap or on the floor.

 He is pretty obsessed with fruit so I got him this handy dandy little net to put chunks of fruit in.  It's the best invention, he can have his fruit and I don't have to stress out about him choking on a piece that is too big for him.

My boys playing together.  Ryder is Kaenaan's favorite source of entertainment.  He loves watching Ryder play and jump around.  They are best buddies for sure!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Kaenaan ^^^^^^^^^

Ryder ^^^^^^^^

6 Month Update

Kaenaan is 6 MONTHS OLD! ! O-M-G, that's 1/2 way to 1! ! The time sure is flying by.
At 6 months Kaenaan is weighing in at 17 lbs 12 oz and 27 inches. He fell from the 90th % to the 50th % since his 4 month check up. We were battling a nasty cold so the Dr is thinking that's why his weight didn't increase so much. We're working on fattening him up!

Kaenaan is such a happy lil guy. He LOVES playing with his toys and always wants to have something in his hands to play with and chew on.

He is such a good sleeper, and has been since we brought him home from the hospital. His normal routine: Wakes up around 7-8 in the morning. Takes a small morning nap, about 30-45 mins. At 1 he goes down for his big nap and that will last from 2-3 hours. Yay, Ryder also naps this time too, can anyone say "Mommy time!" After nap time we play, eat dinner, take baths and then bedtime is usually at 6:30. He's been a little off schedule the past couple days, but my little sleeper is getting back on track. He'll usually wake up 1-2 times thru the night to nurse, but he goes right back to sleep after nursing.....Thank goodness.

He's a good eater too and is just starting to get the hang of his little sippy cup.
He's now eating 3 meals a day and nursing every 3 hours.
All of his baby food is Made By Mommy. So far we have tried pears, apples, squash, carrots, bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, potatoes with broccoli and cauliflower, peaches, apples with chicken, and potatoes with peas and chicken. His favorites so far are apple peach mix, sweet potatoes and squash. His least favorite is.......potatoes with broccoli and cauliflower, surprise, surprise!
I recently found out that if I'm holding him and eating and apple or strawberries, I might as well forget about it. He cries, opens his mouth and grabs for the goods. This is his cute face after sucking on a strawberry.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

4 Months

Our little Kaney boy is 4 months old. He is a happy boy and such a sweet little cutie pie. We love him so much. He is smiling, laughing and cooing like crazy. There are some big things going on around here these days.

Kaenaan had his 4 month Dr visit and is weighing in at 15 lbs 14 oz and 25 1/4 in.

Kaenaan's favorite toy so far has been his little mini Sophie Giraffe. He likes holding giraffie in his hands and loves chewing on it.

We tried rice cereal for the first time on Friday, January 20. Of course most of it ended up on the bib, but we are working on it.

Kaenaan ROLLED over for the first time on Saturday, January 21. I was doing dishes and he was playing on his mat. I had my eye on him and he just rolled right over from his back to his belly. I grabbed my camera and snapped this pic of him. He just looks so proud of himself, like he knows he just did something really cool!

He's also been spending some time in his jumperoo. His little feet are just barely touching the floor!

Christmas 2011

Christmas this year was soooo much fun. Ryder was into everything about it the holiday....Santa, elves, reindeer, polar express, christmas lights and decorations, ornaments and decorating the tree, and most of all PRESENTS!
Christmas morning was spent with our family of 4. We woke Ryder up by jingling bells down the hallway. We told him Santa had just left. He was so excited to see all the presents Santa had left for him. A bike, some big trucks, a race car track, and lots of cool things in his stocking including some new underwear. He thought it was so silly that Santa left underwear in his stocking!
After our

Sunday, January 1, 2012

3 Month / 3 Year Appointment

Ryder and Kaenaan had their Dr visits and I am so thankful that both of my boys are happy and healthy! !
Ryder is weighing in at 33.4 lbs and 36 3/4 inches. His stats look great, although the Dr did says that he is a bit short for his age. Which is fine, Daddy is not super tall either.
Our BIG BOY Kaenaan is weighing in at 14 lbs 11 oz and 24 1/4 inches. He is on the top 95th percentile for weight! ! ! The Dr just says that I must have good milk.