Kaenaan is 6 MONTHS OLD! ! O-M-G, that's 1/2 way to 1! ! The time sure is flying by.
At 6 months Kaenaan is weighing in at 17 lbs 12 oz and 27 inches. He fell from the 90th % to the 50th % since his 4 month check up. We were battling a nasty cold so the Dr is thinking that's why his weight didn't increase so much. We're working on fattening him up!
He's now eating 3 meals a day and nursing every 3 hours.
All of his baby food is Made By Mommy. So far we have tried pears, apples, squash, carrots, bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, potatoes with broccoli and cauliflower, peaches, apples with chicken, and potatoes with peas and chicken. His favorites so far are apple peach mix, sweet potatoes and squash. His least favorite is.......potatoes with broccoli and cauliflower, surprise, surprise!
I recently found out that if I'm holding him and eating and apple or strawberries, I might as well forget about it. He cries, opens his mouth and grabs for the goods. This is his cute face after sucking on a strawberry.
He sure is a little sweetie!!!Love his personality,such a happy little man!!