Our little guy is 7 months! Time flies when you're having fun. So what's new with this little man. At 7 months he is finally a full time butt sitter. He started sitting up on his butt right after he turned 6 months. He's movin on up and out of his baby bathtub and is taking big boy baths. He's even taken a couple baths with Ryder, which is so easy for mommy, I get a two for one!
We celebrated Kaenaan's 1st Easter and he was spoiled with lots of great baby gifts. He loved it!
My silly boys
We started him on puffies and it's his favorite treat. At this point most of them are ending up in his lap or on the floor.
He is pretty obsessed with fruit so I got him this handy dandy little net to put chunks of fruit in. It's the best invention, he can have his fruit and I don't have to stress out about him choking on a piece that is too big for him.
My boys playing together. Ryder is Kaenaan's favorite source of entertainment. He loves watching Ryder play and jump around. They are best buddies for sure!
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