Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sunday, Part 2

Sunday night we met up with family to check out the train park. They have it all lit up for Christmas. When we got there the line for tickets was pretty long. As we waited in line for tickets we watched the train line grow and grow. We ended up waiting in the train line for about an hour. That was not too bad, we were thinking we would be waiting for about 2 hours. Jason was kind of picking on me saying that we were going to wait in that long line for a 2 minute train ride. It was worth the wait though, Ryder loved it! He had tons of fun hanging out with his cousins, those kids are so funny to watch! It was a great time!

Ryder with Mommy and Daddy!

Tigger and Pooh!


Scooby Doo!

Ryder and Mommy on the carousel. It was pretty funny, Ryder does not like the horses at all. I asked him if he wanted to ride on a horse and he said "No, I ride the chair"
He is too funny! ! ! We rode 3 times and each time he wanted to 'ride the chair'

Ryder and Landon giving a High 5, and Ryder and Telsea checking out the model trains.

Gibbs Family


  1. Such a fun night..... glad we got together for some kind of Christmas celebration with the family. If we don't see you again before Christmas.... Merry, Merry Christmas!!

  2. Yes, the train park is definitely a fave of ours. Last year we waited forever....but totally worth it! Glad you had fun!
