Friday, September 24, 2010

The Beach

During our Disney trip we planned for a day at the beach. Unfortunately Ryder did not love the beach. The water was very cold. I mean freezing. I think the waves scared him a bit and he didn't like the sand sticking to his hands and feet. He was saying "beach" and "ocean" which was very cute. And he did enjoy chasing the seagulls around.

J and I both love the beach, so I know one day that Ryder will love it too.

his first look at the ocean

the first feel of that cold ocean water


  1. It was great to see you ALL today..... Ryder is such a sweet little boy. Loved talking to him about your Disney and beach trip.... Great pic's

  2. HI!!!
    that is why we prefer the east coast, it is much warmer!!!!such good pics!!!!
