Kaenaan is just over a month old now, 5 weeks to be exact. It has really flown by. It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing him home for the first time. He fits into our family perfectly. I was so nervous about having number 2, but Kaenaan has made it really easy. He is such a happy and content little baby. He loves his sleep (just like daddy)! Since day one he has pretty much been on schedule for sleeping. He goes down for bed between 8:30-9:30 and will sleep for 3-5 hours before waking up to nurse. He nurses and goes right back to sleep then pretty much wakes up every 2 hours after that. So YAY for that, Mommy is getting much needed sleep to take care of these 2 boys.
Ryder has also done so well with Kaenaan, he loves him so much. He is constantly kissing him and asking to hold him. He also copies the things that he sees us doing and saying. He'll tickle Kaenaan's little cheeks and say "look at those chubby cheekies" or one that he got from Daddy is to say "Hi little buddy".
Kaenaan had his 1 month check up and is now weighing in at 12 lbs 4.5 oz (90th percentile)! ! Yep, he is gonna be a big boy! Mommy has some good milk! He outgrew his newborn clothes almost immediately and is wearing 3 month and some 3-6 month sizes.
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