Friday, December 9, 2011

Polar Expres


Excited for the train ride to start!

Cookie time

Getting our bells from Santa

My boys!

Passed out on the way home

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Party with Friends

These lil kiddos are all so sweet! We have all been friends since the kids were just babies and now they are all going on 3! ! ! It's so neat to see them all growing up, it's just happening way too fast.

We dressed them up in their Christmas best jammies and let them party! ! They painted ornaments, decorated cookies, ate pizza, had a gift exchange and of course played!

Trying to get a pic of all the kiddos.

All the mommies with our babies. Two of us with baby #2 and the other 3 are expecting!

My sweet boys

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ryder's Special Day

For Ryder's actual birthday we had a nice family day out. We let him plan the whole afternoon. He chose to go to the Phoenix Children's Museum, that is most definetly one of his favorite places. His favorite activity at the museum is definetly the tricycles. Lucky for us it was a slow day so he pretty much had the track to himself. On the way out Daddy let him pick out a prize from the gift shop. He loves any and all types of trucks so he chose a cool firetruck. We ended the afternoon with a Happy Meal and chocolate milk.

Gassing up the motorcycle and going for a ride with Daddy!

Painting the Rocket Ship in the art room.

Ryder's Birthday Bash

Ryder had his big 3 year birthday bash on November 26. He had such a good time celebrating with all of his best buddies. We had the party out at our community park, the weather was perfect and the kids all had a blast. The crowd pleaser was the bounce house that daddy got for the party. The kids were going crazy in there! Ryder was definetly spoiled he got a cool tricycle from nana and papa, a vtech laptop and cowboy boots from grandma, lots of learning toys, lots of fun toys, a skateboard and some clothes and jammies.

His BIG gift from Daddy was a QUAD. Daddy got him a Polaris Predator 50! !

He is one lucky lil guy.

Check out my boys rockin' their matching outfits for the party, even their little converse match.

Blowing out his candles like a pro.

Cake Pop! Made by Mommy!

I had to get in the bounce house and jump with my lil birthday boy! !

I love this pic of him with his skateboard.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


One great perk of having 2 boys! I saved just about all of Ryder's baby clothes just in case I would need them again. The boys birth months are just 2 months apart so the seasons worked out perfectly. I snapped some pics of Kaenaan in outfits that were Ryder's. What do you think?? Do they look alike?





Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ryder Visits the Dentist

Ryder had his 2nd dentist visit and did AWESOME. He was so good getting his xrays and opening his mouth big so they could clean his teeth. The dentist said Ryder's teeth look perfect and that he does a really good job of brushing them (that's because Mommy still helps him!)

Showing off those clean teeth!

Monday, October 31, 2011


We had such a fun Halloween this year. We started off the festivities with going to Christine's annual Halloween party. Christine is one of Ryder's BFF's and we attended this party last year as well. I'm sure it will be one of our yearly traditions. All the kids dressed up and did a little trick or treating with toys/snacks that all the mommies brought. We had lots of fun making Halloween crafts and decorating and eating Halloween treats!

My SPooky boys.

Ryder and Christine crafting.

Trying to get a pic of all the kiddos!
Ryder had tons of fun trick or treating. My boy is not much of a candy person, in fact he won't eat any of it! He was most excited that he got to "visit" all of the neighbors. We walked down our street and visited all of our neighbors for candy. They all thought Ryder was soooo cute! He was still full of energy and excited to visit more people so we went onto the next street then made our way home to give out candy.

Ryder checking out his loot.

Me and my boys.


Friday, October 28, 2011

One Month Old....

Kaenaan is just over a month old now, 5 weeks to be exact. It has really flown by. It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing him home for the first time. He fits into our family perfectly. I was so nervous about having number 2, but Kaenaan has made it really easy. He is such a happy and content little baby. He loves his sleep (just like daddy)! Since day one he has pretty much been on schedule for sleeping. He goes down for bed between 8:30-9:30 and will sleep for 3-5 hours before waking up to nurse. He nurses and goes right back to sleep then pretty much wakes up every 2 hours after that. So YAY for that, Mommy is getting much needed sleep to take care of these 2 boys.

Ryder has also done so well with Kaenaan, he loves him so much. He is constantly kissing him and asking to hold him. He also copies the things that he sees us doing and saying. He'll tickle Kaenaan's little cheeks and say "look at those chubby cheekies" or one that he got from Daddy is to say "Hi little buddy".

Kaenaan had his 1 month check up and is now weighing in at 12 lbs 4.5 oz (90th percentile)! ! Yep, he is gonna be a big boy! Mommy has some good milk! He outgrew his newborn clothes almost immediately and is wearing 3 month and some 3-6 month sizes.

Smiley Boy!

There's nothing better than seeing your baby's first happy smiles. Kaenaan is such a happy little guy. All we have to do to get a smile out of him is talk to him or tickle his chubby little cheeks.

CHUBBY cheeks!

Monday, September 26, 2011

First Dr appointment

We had Kaenaan's first baby exam on Tuesday 9-20-2011. He had a bit of jaundice so they wanted to check him the day after we came home. His weight had dropped a bit, but other than that he was looking good. The Dr did suggest that I supplement with formula until my milk came in. We got home and tried the formula and Kaenaan just spit it all up. I guess my boy only wanted mommy's milk! Lucky for us my milk came in that night so we were set.

7 lbs, 13 oz

By his next appointment on Friday 9-23-2011 his weight was up to 8 lbs, 2 oz. Yay!

Kaenaan's First (sponge) Bath

Mommy's big helper, so proud! ! !

Ryder's brother Kaenaan

We had been preparing Ryder for months for his new little brother. We always talked about the baby in mommy's belly. Ryder calls him "brother Kaenaan" One of the best gifts we got was a book called "I'm a big brother" We read this book often and told Ryder the characters were us. It really got him ready for his baby to come home. I was a bit worried about how Ryder would react once Kaenaan actually came home, but he LOVES his brother so much. He wants to hold him and kiss him all the time. He looks at his little fingers and toes and says "look how small they are" and if Kaenaan is crying he'll tell him "it's OK" He is so sweet and gentle with him. We couldn't be happier with our little family and feel so blessed with our 2 sweet boys.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kaenaan Michael Gibbs 9-18-2011

Kaenaan Michael Gibbs joined our family on 9-18-2011 at 1:22pm. His actual due date was 915-2011, so just like his big brother he wanted to stay in mommy's comfy belly as long as he could. He weighed 8 lbs 7oz and measured 20 inches. The Dr. said that he had a big head and big shoulders!

With Kaenaan we decided to get induced, not for any medical reason, only because the Dr offered and we were excited to meet the lil guy. My induction appointment was scheduled for 9-15-2011 at 5am. The hospital ended up calling the night before to let me know that they were too busy and would not be able to get me in for another 24-48 hours......So we waited........We ended up getting "the call" on Saturday night at 9:15pm just as we were climbing into bed. They asked us if could be there in 1 hour so we got everything ready and headed in to start the process.

We got to the hospital, checked in, got examined and hooked up to IV's and machines and then started my "plan." Step 1 was to have gel put in to start thinning out my uterus. This was a looooooong 6 hour process that lasted until 5am, so no sleep for mommy. They put gel in, I laid for 1 hour, walked for 1 hour then laid for another hour. I had to do this twice. Once we were done with all the gels they hooked up my pitocin. At about 11:30 the Dr came in and broke my water. She asked me how I was handling the pain from contractions so far and I told her I was fine and managing with no drugs, yet. The very first contraction after my water was broke was much, much stronger and very painful. I told Jason to get the nurse and get my epidural. It went pretty fast from there. I started pushing around 12:40 and Kaenaan was born at 1:22. Turns out he would have come out alot faster but he was looking up instead of down. This made it a little harder to pass him thru the pubic bones. He got a little bruising down is forehead, nose and lips too. Other than that he was just perfect.

They placed him in my arms as soon as they pulled him out. I looked at him and right away thought that he looked like Ryder. Jason and I were so excited to meet him, we both had tears in our eyes and were so in LOVE with our little boy.

Bonding with our new lil boy. I LOVED that I got to hold him first, they put him in my arms right away. Ryder's birth was stressed a bit so they took him away before I could even get a look at him.

Dr Johnson (fun fact: her husband delivered Ryder)

Proud Daddy :)

Ryder meeting his baby brother for the first time wearing his special "BIG BRO" shirt. To make the meeting extra exciting for Ryder we let him pick out a special present for the baby. He chose a lil musical panda bear. Kaenaan also had a special present for Ryder, some toy trucks, coloring book and markers.

Checking out brother Kaenaan

Sweet Boy

Bringing Baby HOME!

Big Big THANK YOU! to Grandma for taking care of my Ryder while we were in the hospital.