It was a very hot weekend here in AZ and we had lots of fun activities planned and they were all outdoors.
On Friday night we went to a barbeque for J's squad. This was the first time that I was meeting all of J's new coworkers and their families. Jason and Ryder spend alot of time playing in the pool. Ryder is definelty a little water baby and a dare devil. Everyone was shocked at how brave he is around the water. I'm a little scared about how brave he is! Good thing we are starting swim lessons soon. Ryder was also the baby of the group, all the other kids were a bit older, so he was getting alot of attention. Of course everyone thought he was just so cute! :)
Saturday morning we headed out to Tolmachoff Farm for a family day event. We met up with our friends Adriane and little Vaughn and Liz & her husband and little Bella. We got there early about 8:30 hoping to beat the heat, but we didn't. It was so HOT. It was still a good time though. We played with some chicks, Ryder took a train ride and checked out some of the animals in the petting zoo.

Here he is on the train, riding by himself like a BIG BOY. I was a little nervous about letting him ride alone. My friend Adriane was behind him so it made me feel a little better. Just when I was thinking how cool it was that Ryder was big enough to handle this ride on his own, disaster struck! Well really not disaster, just a little accident. I was following behind the train and I noticed Ryder's head disappear. He fell in the barrel! I took off running after them and the driver must have seen the "crazy mom" chasing down the train because he stopped and let me readjust Ryder! The rest of the ride went smoothly, thank goodness.

News channel 3 was there covering the event so we asked to get a picture with the weather girl, Brittany Shipp. We only watch channel 3 news, so it was pretty neat seeing her there in person.
After the farm, we went home so Ryder could get a nap. My plan was to go the farm early and wear him out so he would take an early nap.
Then we got ready for Jesse's 1st birthday party.
Looks like a fun day! We spent the weekend outside too, and boy is it HOT! Guess we will all be living in our pools this summer. I always wonder how in the world I will get through another summer!:)