Ryder went to his 15 month Dr appointment this afternoon. Everything was perfect, of course I have a happy, healthy baby boy!
Ryder weighed in at 24 lbs 10 oz / 31 inches. Besides getting the normal 15 month shots the Dr talked to us about a few important things:
- He informed me that since little man has teeth that we should be brushing them twice daily. We have been doing this for a long time now. Ryder will really only let me brush his teeth with the little finger tooth brush. He has a tiny baby tooth brush that I put in the tub for baths and he will play with that a little. I will take it and pretend that I'm brushing my teeth and say "EEEEEEEE" and Ryder copies me and does the same thing. He's too funny!
- The Dr also said that by 15 months, babies should know at least 1 body part. Ryder knows 2, Go Ryder! He knows nose and eyes! If I ask him where is his nose or eyes, he usually just points to my nose or eyes! We are working everyday on teaching him more body parts, the Dr said that by 18 months he should know 5!
- Another thing that he asked me about is books. We read books to Ryder every night before bed. Sometimes during the day when he's playing with his toys he'll pick out a book and bring it to me to read to him. He loves books!
- I asked that Dr about giving Ryder vitamins. Ryder eats alot of the foods that he likes but unfortunately those foods don't include many fruits or veggies:( The Dr said not to worry about vitamins and that as long as he's taking at least a couple bites of fruits/veggies that would be enough. He loved eating the homemade babyfood fruits/veggies, but solids not so much! We trick him and hide it in his food. He loves pb&J, so we slice up banana and sneak it to him that way!

I am all for sneaking the healthy stuff into the yummy stuff! You can even puree cauliflower and put it in banana bread, pretty good too!:) Miss C isnt a huge fan of all the veggies and fruit either, we are working on it!:) Cant believe he is 15 months!!!
ReplyDeleteLook how BIG he looks sitting at the table....he is growing up to fast!!! Almost time for another.... :0)
ReplyDeleteFinally getting over here to see what you guys have been up to!!!!
Oh my aren't they growing up far to fast!!!!
Ryder is such a little sweetheart, well little figuratively speaking, because he is on the above average size right??? ALthough not that big, just probably slightly taller then average??? I would guess 60-70 percentile??? Camdyn has always been in that category for height or higher --weight until recently only 25-35 percent, but at her last appt, she moved up to 40 %!!!!! But with all the teeth she has gotten lately she feels like a feather to me again!!!!She will grow one dya, she is healthy and so is Ryder and that is what is important, right?????
I bet he is loving all his activities now!!!
Have a great week