Party of 4 and Loving Life With Our Little Boys !
Yep, our little man is starting to use his legs! !
It all started yesterday while we were at my mom's house visiting. She was in the middle of cleaning up a mess (that Ryder had made, he loves getting into dog dishes!) I was looking on the computer. My mom said "Lisa look" I looked into the kitchen and Ryder was just standing there all by himself. I looked at Ryder and smiled, and he looked at me with his little mischevious grin :) and all of the sudden took 4 STEPS! ! My mom and I both freaked out, I was screaming! I called Jason right away to tell him the big news! Ryder didn't really do much more walking that same day, just a couple of steps here and there.
This morning we went to stroller class and I was pretty excited to show all of our friends Ryder's new skills. He wasn't too interested, but he took a couple of steps after I bugged him enough....
But tonight, he is in full practice mode. He is trying to walk all around. He can only take about 4-5 steps before he loses his balance and falls. The cutest part is that when he falls, he gets right back up and keeps going :) I am so happy to see this little guy walking but I keep thinking "Oh No, what am I in for" I wonder how long I have until he's running! !