Ryder rode in his carseat facing forward for the first time on Wednesday. I would say that he really enjoyed it. One good thing is that he doesn't have the back seat to kick against and fight me when I try putting him his seat. He would lock his little legs up and it would be quite the fight.

Ryder had his 12 month doctor visit on Thursday. He is 30 1/4 in. & 22 lbs 11 oz. He is lookin' good and healthy. The Dr was asking if he was saying words, pointing at things, understanding when we told him certain things, and YES to all. Right before we were leaving Dr came in and said "one more thing" time to start weaning from the bottle and we said "already done! he hasn't had a bottle in a couple months :) He also got his normal 12 month vaccinations, and was such a little champ. I always hate seeing him get his shots :(

After his appointment he got a special treat, we stopped at McDonalds and got him some french fries.......He sure gobbled them down.
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