We had an eventful day and night (all night) yesterday. Ryder had a low fever all day and was just not acting like his usual silly, happy self. We were monitoring his temp all day, I called the Dr and they said to just give him some tylenol and monitor his temp to make sure it did not get to 104. I was so nervous, especially with all this swine flu stuff. Ryder was miserable all night, he was burning up, his temp got to 102.9. He wanted to be held all night, so I was up all night with him. By the morning he still felt warm but his temp went down to 99. He is not 100%, but at least he is playing, smiling, and laughing again.
I think I discovered the culprit for all of this fever business, his teeth. I always hear that babies may get a fever when they are teeting. If you look closely you can see his top teeth are coming in. It looks like 2 for sure, maybe even 4 ! !
His SMILE is gonna look super CUTE with all those toofers :)

Teething is BRUTAL on them!!! Cam always gets a slight fever with each one! Especially with 2-4 coming in, he is uncomfortable...poor lil guy! Give hime LOTS of hugs and kisses from us too!:) Hope you get a good night of sleep tonight!