It seems like these are the favorite words around our house these days. Since Ryder has started crawling, he is into everything Jason calls him the CRAZY CRAWLER. I can't believe that we were encouraging and trying to teach him how to crawl, what were we thinking. I miss the good ol days when I could plop him down on his butt and surround him with toys and he would just sit there and play. Now it takes about 2.5 seconds and he's off! Don't get me wrong I love that the little guy is growing and learning, but it's alot harder now!
I finally signed us up for classes at Gymboree after much debate. It's kinda pricey. But after taking a couple of free classes we really enjoyed it. Ryder is fascinated by all the other babies. I was also thinking that since he's not in daycare this would be his only chance to interact with other babies his age on a regular basis. We go to 1 class per week. I am also still planning on taking him to baby time at the public library, it seems like all the classes were canceled for August and will resume in September. So we are looking forward to trying that.
Here are some cute pics of Ryder at bath time. He is also really good at holding on and pulling himself up to his feet! He thinks he's really something!

I caught him in the act here. His favorite places for mischief : the entertainment center, the dog cages, and the back door! This is why "No" is becoming our favorite word, now I understand why "No" is the first word for alot of babies! He understands what it means to because when we say no he CRIES!
Nana loves her little grandson, Ryder so much. I am glad he is crawling now, but a little scared too!! He is such a love bug, and I love it when he crawls around on the floor with me and snugs up to me. He is such a love bug!!!
HI!! didn't post again!!!