After alot of hesitation and a little tears, we decided to move Ryder out of his pack n' play in our room and into his crib. I was pretty sad and felt like I was kicking him out of our room, or thought that when he would wake up in the middle of the night that he would know he was not in our room and be scared. I know it is best to move him into his crib, it's alot more comfortable and that is where he needs to get used to sleeping. We hooked up the baby monitors ( I have the volume up full blast, I want to be able to hear him breathing) and he has been in the crib all this week!
I also picked up a few pairs of jammies for him while out shopping and had to take a picture each night before he went to bed.

SO cute in new jammies! You can NEVER have too many cute jammies!:) You all will start sleeping a little better now that he is in his crib. I am still sad about Miss Camdyn being in her own room, but she has been sleeping all night since we did!:) I just sleep with our video monitor next to my pillow and if I wake I can just check on her!:) Happy sleeping to all of you...:)
ReplyDeleteIt is a sad transition, but they all have to do it eventually. Don't tell anyone, but C.J. slept in our bed til he was like 3--at least part of the night anyway!!! All the way up to age 6 he would end up in our bed at least 3 nights a week!!! I still cherish those moments when he would climb into our bed, reach for my face and then he would fall fast asleep!!! At 24(almost) no one cares anymore!!!!!I say if it makes them happy so be it!!! Luckily Chuck never minded either!!!!He is a happy young Man now!!!!
What a big boy.... what a good mommy, you did it!!! Love all the jammies.