Ryder's Papa Gibbs got us some tickets to the Circus ! ! Ryder definitely enjoyed all the sights and sounds. He lasted about 1 & 1/2 hours and then zonked out for a nap ! ! The Circus was pretty fun and we will definitely take Ryder back when he is a little older.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Here's something he did like
pears, apples, raisins, and cinnamon ! ! ! YUMMY ! !
just a little tid bit....
I suppose that since I am taking such good care of my son and making him babyfood and such that some people may think that I have "too much time on my hands" or that "I have nothing better to do"
Those of us who are LUCKY enough to be MOMMY'S know that there is never enough time and I suppose that I don't have anything better to do considering that taking care of my baby is the BEST job in the whole world :)
Hope he's not a picky eater......
6 Month Photo Session

We had Ryder's 6 month photo session a couple of weeks ago. I love how all the pictures turned out ! ! Our photographer (Jacquelyn, from Moments in Film) is so awesome, she has really gotten to see our family grow. She did our engagement photos, wedding, maternity, and now Ryder's 1st year ! ! Here are some of my faves :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Baby Banana
I bought these cute little baby bananas at the store, they are just the right size for Ryder. I mashed one up and mixed it with his apples for lunch. My dad suggested letting him try a whole one on his own, so I let him give it a try. Ryder didn't know what to think at first, I am sure that he is used to putting EVERYTHING in his mouth and getting no taste and when he put that little banana in his mouth he looked shocked. He sure did LOVE it ! !

Happy Father's Day Pappy !
We had a fun Father's Day with my Dad ! ! Me and Ryder (Jason had to go off to work :( , my sister and her family, and my brother and his lover girl were all there ! !
My Dad was so PROUD to have all of us kids and the new Grandbaby Boys there ! ! ! ! He said that he was Blessed !

Happy Father's Day to Papa !
Jason's 1st Father's Day !
Happy Father's Day to Jason, My Man, My Baby's Daddy, Ryder's Best Buddy ! !
Just knowing you'll be here day after day for me and for our family fills me with hope and happiness.
Just watching the way you make being a daddy look so easy....when we know it's not...
Lisa & Ryder
Monday, June 15, 2009
Chef MOMMY !
Ryder was getting low on his babyfood and I thought it was time to try some new things, so we went to SPROUTS and got lots of goodies. I was busy making babyfood for a few hours. Luckily I don't have to make it too often, what I make and freeze usually lasts a pretty long time. We have some yummy new puress to try! I will also be giving Ryder yogurt this week, we got full-fat whole milk yogurt to mix in with some of his fruit veggie purees. I think Ryder is eating better than me and Jason.
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