My 12 week maternity leave is quickly coming to an end :( I will be returning back to work on Tuesday ( only part-time, thank goodness ). I am just sick about it. I know it will get easier, but right now it is hard just thinking about leaving Ryder for a whole day. I will miss him so much.
This past 12 weeks has been an amazing adventure! Who knew that being a Mommy was such hard work, it's all worth it though! It kind of makes you wonder what you did with your time before this little one came into your life......It is also amazing how much you LOVE them. Everyone tells you, but you would never know until you experience it for yourself. What an amazing feeling! Now we know how much our parents love us!

I'm so sad for you! I know I cried for several weeks about leaving her and the first few weeks of work were rough. You will get through it and will appreciate him that much more when you are with him! Plus, it is only part time...think of all the mom's who work full time. We don't have it so bad. Will be thinking of you next week!:)