We had our 3 month photo session on Monday. We got alot of great pictures, Ryder did such a good job! He sure was tired that night, I think all the modeling really wore him out!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
He's Catchin' On
OK, so I have some GOOD news to report! Ryder took a bottle. Jason went up to Walmart last night and bought a Dr.Browns bottle, I had just heard that they were good bottles and we hadn't tried that kind yet. I was so tired last night that I ended up just nursing Ryder and we didn't try the new bottle. Ryder woke up at 5am and we tried some of the same bottles from last night and he would refuse to take them so I just let him nurse. By the afternoon he was still having problems with the bottles, I told Jason to sanitize the Dr.Browns and give it a try. My mom was with Jason, she watched him for the day after Jason left for work and she took Ryder outside and he fussed a little but eventually took the bottle. She ended up giving him 3 bottles throughout the day and he ate about 3 ounces each time. What a relieved Mommy I was! I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I was so happy that my baby was eating.
I am feeling so exhausted after these first 2 days, I am off tomorrow so I am looking forward to spending the day with Ryder and resting at home!
Thanks for all the support and comments! !
I am feeling so exhausted after these first 2 days, I am off tomorrow so I am looking forward to spending the day with Ryder and resting at home!
Thanks for all the support and comments! !
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mommy In Crisis ! !
OK, so I would say that my first day back did not go as smoothly as it could have. I woke up at about 6:15am and started getting ready for work. I had a little cry while I ate breakfast and told myself "this is it, I will not cry anymore" I was just fine until I kissed Ryder goodbye and the tears started again. My mom also called me while I was driving to work to see how I was doing and of course that started the tears again. Once I got to work everyone was asking "How are you" "Are you sad" Do you miss him" and once again, I cried. I called Jason a couple of times in the morning to see how Ryder did with his bottles and he kept saying that he was not hungry, or was taking a nap. I thought this was strange since he still eats every 2 hours. About 6 hours later, and a VERY stressed out Mommy, I demanded that he bring Ryder to me at work so I could feed him and of course I was crying yet again. I got home from work and Jason was still working with him on the bottles. We tried several different kinds and he won't take any of them. It seems that he will take a couple swallows and realizes that it's not mommy and he gets very upset. I don't know what to do! ! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I missed my little guy soooo much, I think the day would have been OK after I got thru all the emotions, but I had to deal with the bottle thing. I was happy to see him midday for the feeding, that was nice although I know that won't be a normal thing! !
On a good note, pumping at work went well. I was worried that it would be too busy or that it would take too long. I pumped 3 times and it only took me a few minutes each time! Thank goodness I talked Jason into investing in a good pump!
I took pictures to post, but Jason forgot my camera at his grandmas house.........
I missed my little guy soooo much, I think the day would have been OK after I got thru all the emotions, but I had to deal with the bottle thing. I was happy to see him midday for the feeding, that was nice although I know that won't be a normal thing! !
On a good note, pumping at work went well. I was worried that it would be too busy or that it would take too long. I pumped 3 times and it only took me a few minutes each time! Thank goodness I talked Jason into investing in a good pump!
I took pictures to post, but Jason forgot my camera at his grandmas house.........
Monday, February 23, 2009
Mommy and Ryder Day! !
I go back to work tomorrow so today I just spent the whole day with Jason and Ryder. We had Ryder's 3 month photo session in the morning,spent a lazy afternoon, and took our daily walk. The photo session went so well, I will post some pictures as soon as I get them in a couple of days.
Jason will have Ryder for the day tomorrow. He is planning on going and visiting his Grandma tomorrow so his day should not be too hard, he will have lots of help. I will have a full report on how his first day with baby went! ! and how my first day back to work went!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
FUN With Family! !
We had a busy day today.....We went to a party at Ryder's great grandmas (Kathy's mom)house! ! There sure were alot of people and everyone just LOVED Ryder so much and thought that he was so CUTE and BIG ! ! ! He was so tired by the time we got home, he took his bath and went straight to bed! !
Tomorrow will be Mommy and Ryder day, it is my last day before I go back to work. I plan on spending the whole day LOVING,KISSING,and SPOILING my baby! !

Nana and Grandpa Gibbs! !

Ryder with Cousin Amanda and her husband Will! !

Jacob (Amanda's little boy) checking out the new BABY ! ! !
BathTime with GRANDMA ! !
My mom came over last night to visit and stayed to help get Ryder ready for bed! ! She LOVED watching him play in his bath! !
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wiggle Worm !
He goes to bed like this..........
He must have some strong little legs to push himself up like that!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Getting Ready To Return To Work ! ! :(
My 12 week maternity leave is quickly coming to an end :( I will be returning back to work on Tuesday ( only part-time, thank goodness ). I am just sick about it. I know it will get easier, but right now it is hard just thinking about leaving Ryder for a whole day. I will miss him so much.
This past 12 weeks has been an amazing adventure! Who knew that being a Mommy was such hard work, it's all worth it though! It kind of makes you wonder what you did with your time before this little one came into your life......It is also amazing how much you LOVE them. Everyone tells you, but you would never know until you experience it for yourself. What an amazing feeling! Now we know how much our parents love us!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Bedtime with Daddy! !
Jason was off work Monday and Tuesday, so he helped with bedtime. He gave Ryder his bath(with my supervision of course, I had to make sure it was done right!) He read him his story too. Last night was the first night that he actually sat thru a whole book, he usually loses interest and gets mad about half way thru. Daddy must have the special touch!
Ryder had his first BIG LAUGH on Monday(he has been giggling for a while now). It was SOOOO CUTE! ! I was playing with him on the couch and saying "What are you doing", isn't it funny how the simplest things can make them so happy! ! , he was just giggling at me. I called Jason in to watch him and the next time I said it he let out a big belly laugh. I could feel his belly shake he laughed so hard! ! Jason and I just cracked up, it was the cutest thing ever! I was just so happy that we got to see his first laugh toghether! !
Ryder in his Dinosaur bath towel! !
Monday, February 16, 2009
Bananas Over Mommy! !
Ryder has been growing soooo fast and his 3 month clothes seemed to be getting a little bit snug, so I told myself that after this dunes trip I would start him in his 6 months clothes. They look so big just holding them up, but we put his first 6 month outfit on him this morning and it fit good. Our little guy is getting SO BIG, he will be 12 weeks on Saturday! !
Real Duners Wear Diapers ! !
We had a FUN weekend at the Dunes! ! We of course had to celebrate Ryder's first Valentines Day. He got dressed up in his special outfit complete with RED shoes and all......I made a YUMMY cheesecake to share with all of our friends! !
Our Family
(my two Valentines)!

Our special Little Valentine!

Friday, February 13, 2009
Just Like Daddy ! !
Ryder wants to be just like his Daddy! !
Drool and All ! ! :)
He sure has been drooling alot, I am gonna have to break out the bibs......and to think when I got all those bibs I was starting to wonder what I would need them for! ! I figured that one out! !

Cutest Police Academy Candidate EVER ! ! !
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Fun Day ! !
Today Me, Ryder, and my mom went with my sister to register for her BABY SHOWER! ! She is having a Little BOY in June. I can't wait to meet her little guy, him and Ryder are gonna be buddies. What is it with men and gift registries?Jason didn't go with me to register for our wedding and I had to drag him to go with me to register for the baby (once we started he had fun, he insisted on holding the scanner!) my sister's husband did not want to register either! They miss out on all the FUN! !
One more thing, when I dressed Ryder this morning and he was laying on his changing table his pants fit him perfectly........but once he was picked up they rode up and they look like capris ! ! I was almost embarrassed to put these pictures up! ! :) I think it's time to put him in his size 6 months clothes, he's getting sooo BIG sooo FAST! !
Aunt Michelle and Ryder! !

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Little Trip To The Dunes ! !
Jason was off on Monday and Tuesday so we decided to take a short trip to the dunes so he could do a little riding with some friends. It was Ryders first trip to the dunes. It was a little chilly out so we stayed in the trailer most of the time. We can't wait until he is big enough to ride his own little quad (mommy will have to learn to ride to, so she can keep up with him!)
All Bundled up with Daddy! !
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thank You To Grandma! !
When I found out that I was pregnant I told my mom that the one thing I really wanted from her was to make a blanket for my baby. I wanted a homemade-handmade-HEARTMADE blanket! ! I still have my baby blanket that was made by my aunt. She made Ryder a special blanket and a baby bunting! Thanks Grandma!
Ryder with his blanket!
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