I have been working hard the last few weeks to get Ryder on a bedtime schedule....and this week he started to actually follow it. He is going to bed around 8-8:30 and he will actually sleep for 4-5 hours before he wakes up for a feeding. This is such a treat for me since it has been about 8 weeks since I have slept for more than 2 hours at a time :)
Sleeping in his pack n' play like a little angel !

He is so funny when he sleeps, he has always hated being swaddled or wrapped up in blankets and he is starting to kick his covers off now too! After I lay him down for bed I can hear his little legs kicking away until he gets those covers off.
Ryder was in his crib for the first time, he has been sleeping in our room in his pack n' play. I decided to try and put him in there while I was doing some of his laundry and organizing his closet. I played his little dino mobile for him and he was very happy listening to the music and watching the mobile spin. I'm not sure when we will move him to his room full time, I don't know if I am ready to have him that far away yet!
SO CUTE! thats awesome that he is getting into a routine! We started that about 8 wks also. Camdyn was sleeping really well until she started getting teeth!:( Now we are trying to get that sleeping schedule back together for mommy's sanity!:)LOL