Kaenaan Michael Gibbs joined our family on 9-18-2011 at 1:22pm. His actual due date was 915-2011, so just like his big brother he wanted to stay in mommy's comfy belly as long as he could. He weighed 8 lbs 7oz and measured 20 inches. The Dr. said that he had a big head and big shoulders!
With Kaenaan we decided to get induced, not for any medical reason, only because the Dr offered and we were excited to meet the lil guy. My induction appointment was scheduled for 9-15-2011 at 5am. The hospital ended up calling the night before to let me know that they were too busy and would not be able to get me in for another 24-48 hours......So we waited........We ended up getting "the call" on Saturday night at 9:15pm just as we were climbing into bed. They asked us if could be there in 1 hour so we got everything ready and headed in to start the process.
We got to the hospital, checked in, got examined and hooked up to IV's and machines and then started my "plan." Step 1 was to have gel put in to start thinning out my uterus. This was a looooooong 6 hour process that lasted until 5am, so no sleep for mommy. They put gel in, I laid for 1 hour, walked for 1 hour then laid for another hour. I had to do this twice. Once we were done with all the gels they hooked up my pitocin. At about 11:30 the Dr came in and broke my water. She asked me how I was handling the pain from contractions so far and I told her I was fine and managing with no drugs, yet. The very first contraction after my water was broke was much, much stronger and very painful. I told Jason to get the nurse and get my epidural. It went pretty fast from there. I started pushing around 12:40 and Kaenaan was born at 1:22. Turns out he would have come out alot faster but he was looking up instead of down. This made it a little harder to pass him thru the pubic bones. He got a little bruising down is forehead, nose and lips too. Other than that he was just perfect.
They placed him in my arms as soon as they pulled him out. I looked at him and right away thought that he looked like Ryder. Jason and I were so excited to meet him, we both had tears in our eyes and were so in LOVE with our little boy.

Bonding with our new lil boy. I LOVED that I got to hold him first, they put him in my arms right away. Ryder's birth was stressed a bit so they took him away before I could even get a look at him.

Dr Johnson (fun fact: her husband delivered Ryder)

Proud Daddy :)

Ryder meeting his baby brother for the first time wearing his special "BIG BRO" shirt. To make the meeting extra exciting for Ryder we let him pick out a special present for the baby. He chose a lil musical panda bear. Kaenaan also had a special present for Ryder, some toy trucks, coloring book and markers.

Checking out brother Kaenaan

Sweet Boy

Bringing Baby HOME!

Big Big THANK YOU! to Grandma for taking care of my Ryder while we were in the hospital.