Little man is 17 months old today! Can't hardly beleive it.
It seems like he is learning, or saying or doing something new everyday! We play flashcards and he can name a few pictures on his own like firetruck, baby, fish, shoes, doggie, and ball. He is the funnies little boy I know. He has started kicking at the walls or just about anything for that matter and says "AAAEEYYYYYAA". He really doesn't kick so much as just touch it with his foot. He's like a little ninja. We were messing around one day and doing this in front of him and it made him laugh, so we kept doing it. He picked it up since then and it is so funny. He will also knock on doors when he wants in and says "knock knock." One of his favorite things to do these days is chase the dogs all around the house on his toy rocket. He just cracks up! His favorite foods are pizza, pb&j, french fries, and chicken nuggets. He is starting to get into watching TV, his favorite show is Yo Gabba Gabba.
One of the BIG things that happened this month is that DADDY CAME HOME. Jason was living in Gila Bend 5 days a week since August 2008. I was still pregnant when he fist went out there. It was hard on all of us having him away. Ryder missed his daddy so much and always cried when daddy had to leave. Well, J is working in Phx now and is home everyday! It is so nice to finally have a normal family life and I am so happy that J and Ryder get to see each other every single day now:)