Sunday, January 31, 2010


Jason has some extra training this week so he was off today, and as soon as I found out he would be home, I planned a whole day of FUN! I have been meaning to take my wedding ring out to Shane Company (in Scottsdale) to have it cleaned. I feel so bad, I have had it for nearly 2 years and this is the first time I have had it cleaned, I am a bad girl! Since we were headed out to Scottsdale, I planned the day with things that I have been wanting to try.
First we dropped my ring off for cleaning. Our next stop was to Sprinkles, I have been wanting to try the cupcakes for some time now. They must have known we were coming, they had a dinosaur cupcake just for Ryder! How perfect:) I told Jason that we would choose one cupcake for each of us, we couldn't make up our mind and ended up getting 6 cupcakes. They all looked so good!
We had lunch at Paradise bakery and saved our cupcakes for dessert. They were YUMMY! Ryder really enjoyed his!
Our next stop was to the Train park. This park was so cute! and cheap! I told Jason that if we had only went to the park for the day it would have been a $10.00 outing!
Here we are waiting for the carousel to start. Ryder was pretty excited! He kept pointing at all the horses and talking!

as soon as it started moving he was not too thrilled. His face got red and he was even shaking.

I ended up holding him for the rest of the ride. My poor little guy!

waiting in line for his first train ride.

Ryder and Daddy

Waiting for the train to start. He thinks it's pretty cool.

Me and Ryder on the little train

We tried the carousel one more time. This time I rode on the horse with Ryder and he liked that alot more. He even cried when we stopped and got off.

Our second ride on the train. Ryder and Daddy are checking things out.

Ryder liked waving back at all the kids. His little hand is so cute!

By the end of our day, Ryder was pooped out!
We had alot of fun!

Friday, January 29, 2010

14 months

Yep, little boogie boy is 14 months old today! !
Still no walking, but he sure is talking up a storm. Our pediatrician says that he is probably focused more on talking right now and that's why he is not showing must interest in walking.
It's funny because he will use his little push toys and walk around the house all day, but on his own he doesn't want anything to do with it!
He will just jibber jabber all day. I'm not sure what he's saying but it looks and sounds pretty serious. He uses little hand movements and all. His vocabulary so far includes : mama, dada, go, go to bed, gus, golf ball, no, mine, nose, baby, bubba, and grandma. He's so funny:)
at the park

out to lunch with his cousin Jesse

and here's a really cute picture of Jesse that I took today. Look at those chubby little cheekies!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our first night away

It was my big 29 birthday (yikes, only one more year til 30). Jason and I met up with some friends at Westgate for dinner, drinks, dancing, and lots of crazy fun! ! :) We got a hotel room in the area and stayed gone for the whole night.
This was my first night away from Ryder. My mom came out and spent the night with him and said he did great. He did cry a little when Jason and I were heading out the door. Our whole group of friends are new parents and we all have babies around the same age, so by the end of the night we had our phones out showing off our cute babies! !
Sara & Ernest

Regina & Mike

Megin & Ryan

Zeb (my brother and his girlfriend met up with us) & Linette

Me and My Man :)

Here we are getting ready to leave.

Lovin' Ryder's cute face in this picture!

Ryder and Grandma getting ready for a FUN night.

the girls...

the whole group!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our Loooonnngg Weekend

We are definetly thankful for the long weekend, but not because we did anything fun. We needed the time to recover. Ryder and I both got a really bad stomach flu. It was horrible and we are still trying to get better. Our symptoms are all gone, but Ryder is still not wanting to eat very much. We got sick Saturday night and it was one of the longest and hardest nights we have had. My whole body was aching and Ryder just wanted to be held. He kept getting sick on both of us and I had to clean up each time and change both of our clothes while trying not to get sick myself. Jason came home after work at about 2am and took over so I could get some rest. My mom came over Sunday to help and now Jason is sick. Ugghh, does it ever end?!
The weekend started out good, we did a little shopping and took Ryder into the little play area at the mall. He had so much fun in there, he is always trying to keep up with the big kids. Those kids were really wild! Some of them were playing with Ryder and making him laugh.

I had to post this pic, my mom put this clearance christmas headband on Ryder for fun. He didn't like it one bit, you can tell by his face that he knew it was just not right :)

We also went to our stroller class and played at the park afterwards.

He can't walk yet but he sure can climb. He will crawl to these steps and climb all the way up. Don't worry, I stay right there next to him!

By the time our weekend was winding down, Ryder was still pretty sleepy from being sick. He wanted to be held and cuddled pretty much the whole day. We stayed home and realxed. He got to wear his cute dino slippers to keep his little tootsies warm!
Well I am off to work :(

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ryder's Date.....

play date that is.....We went and had a fun little play date with Ryder's friend Addi. We do alot of playroups, but this was his first one on one play date with another baby. I figured that he needs some practice with learning how to share and play nice. At playgroup he doesn't like to share and if he is playing with a toy and another kid takes it, he throws a fit. This play time went really well, Ryder and Addi played so nice and they didn't have any meltdowns. They played with toys, went outside and played on Addis swing and slide, and went for a wagon ride (this was really cute, it was like they were playing footies in the wagon!)

Notice that orange ball in Ryder's hand, he found that in Addi's toys and he LOVES to carry any type of ball around. He has a golf ball in my car that I give him to hold onto in his car seat. He held onto that orange ball almost the whole time, they ended up letting him take it home.

I have not blogged in awhile, I have to admit that I have finally gotten into the Twilight hype. I had not read any of the books or seen any movies. One of the girls at work brought me the first 2 books and I was addicted. I read both in one week so that was taking all my free time, when Ryder is napping or in bed. Now I need to get the last 2 books!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Laundry Day

Sunday is laundry day around our house.
Look what Ryder got into while I was folding the clothes! He climbed his little butt right into the dryer.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas and 2010 so far...

We had a great holiday in the Gibbs home. It was busy as usual and Ryder got TONS of new toys. My home looks like a toy store! Besides all the toys Ryder got lots of clothes, warm PJ's, books, flash cards, a camping chair, and too much stuff to list it all. I was a little bummed that he wasn't very excited about Christmas, he could have cared less about gifts and kept crawling away (he is still not walking). Maybe next year he will be more into it.
Ryder got me the cutest gift, of course Daddy helped to pick it out. They got me a swarovski charm bracelet and a charm called "growing boy" it's a little boy holding a heart. I LOVED it.
Ryder got Daddy a new hunting game for his Wii. I'm sure once Ryder gets a little bigger they will be video game buddies and Jason will be in heaven!
We spent Christmas morning at home opening our gifts. We headed over to my moms house and opened gifts there and had breakfast. Then off to Jason's parents for more gifts and lunch. Jason had to work Christmas afternoon so when he left Ryder and I went back to my moms to hang out with everyone.
My boys on Christmas morning

Ryder got this silly flashlight, it makes funny noises when you turn it on. I can imagine us camping and Ryder running around with this cute flashlight.

Here's cousin Jesse sitting in all the wrapping paper.

Ryder got this cute BIG dino for his room

a radio flyer rocket

Handy Manny ride on

radio flyer turtle
I am not sure how my house will ever look normal, there are toys in every corner. I guess that's life with a toddler!
The day after Christmas we got up early and headed to Hallmark. I have been collecting the ornaments for 4 years now, I always go the day after Christmas when they go on SALE!
Our New Years was pretty uneventful. Of course, Jason had to work. Ryder and I just stayed home and went to bed on our usual schedule. I didn't want to be out driving on the roads and didn't want to keep him up all night. We had to get up early the next day for Stroller Strides class anyways. Jason called and left a countdown to midnight voicemail so that was nice. He said that he was about to pull someone over at 11:53 but decided not to so he could call us at midnight.

Here is a quick pic taken today. This was at playgroup, the theme for the day was bubbles. Ryders shirt is so cute, it says BIG FLIRT in training.

My mom came over today and Ryder got a chocolate covered marshmallow snowman. He doesn't get too much candy so the really enjoyed it. Santa didn't even leave him candy in his stocking, he left him some YUMMY gerber cereal bars :)