Today is officially the first day of FALL ! I am so happy for cooler weather to be here so we can go and do fun things outdoors. I am even more excited to spend the holidays with Ryder !
I remember HALLOWEEN last year. I had about a month to go till my due date. I was HUGE ! As Jason and I handed out candy I was thinking that we would have a baby this time next year, he would almost be 1 and what would I dress him up as for Halloween. I am still looking for the perfect costume, we have it narrowed down, but haven't decided quite yet.
I remember THANKSGIVING last year, my due date was on the 26th, so I decided that for the holiday I was going to sit my big belly at home. It was only a couple days from my due date, I was even more HUGE, and feeling miserable. I wanted to meet my lil guy so bad. I had the idea that if I went and had Thanksgiving dinner and stuffed myself that I would to into labor on a full belly and I didn't want that to happen ! That plan didn't work out well, I finally gave in and went to my Moms and ate, and I didn't go into labor.
I remember also being kinda happy that I would be on maternity leave for the holidays. I thought it would be like a long vacation. I had this idea in my head that I would decorate, bake, take my new baby out to do all kinds of christmas shopping.....Well, by Christmas I felt kinda like a Zombie. I didn't know how tiring and how hard of a job being a mommy would be. I learned my lesson.
Here's to a FABULOUS holiday season this year. I know it will be AMAZING !