I can't believe my little boy is 5 months old, everyone tells you to enjoy your baby because time will go by so quickly and boy does it fly.... Ryder is so sweet and the light of our lives ! ! I can't imagine life without my little chubber !!
We have been having a bit of a rough time ( and Mommy has been freaking out ) Ryder had a bit of a rash under his chin on Thursday evening and by Friday morning when he woke up it was bright red and had spread all over his neck. I called and made a doctor appointment immediately. It turns out that he developed a yucky yeast infection under his chin. Apparently "being fat ain't all that" everyone is alway commenting how cute and fat my Ryder is and this is part of the cause of the infection. He has many rolls under his chin and as much as I clean under there he still gets milk, slobber, water trapped in and no air to dry it out. My poor baby...We started treating it with a perscription called Nystatin, I think at this point Ryder was feeling pretty miserable and it was a sleepless night on Saturday. By Sunday the infection looked like it was spreading to his chest, down his belly, and onto his legs. So by Monday I was thoroughly stressed out and off to the doctor again. The infection was gone, but due to his sensitive skin, the rash got inflamed and started spreading, we have been using perscription hydrocortizone and THANK GOD it is clearing up ! ! ! ! :) Now we have a happy baby and happy mommy & daddy ! !
By the way at the doctor appointment Ryder weighed in at 19 lbs, 2 oz ! !
He's a Little WHOPPER ! !
Here are some random pictures from last week since I haven't posted anything.....